Announcing our guest quartet for our 2015 annual show. Gimme Four is a barbershop quartet based in Caldwell, New Jersey. Paul, Dave, Will, and Joe have been singing together since 2011
In their first year, they won the Rahway Valley Novice Quartet Championship and were named the 2012 Mid-Atlantic District Collegiate Champions.
That summer, they competed at the 2012 International Collegiate Quartet Contest in Portland, Oregon, placing 8th. In 2013, they finished 6th at the same contest in Toronto. Later that year, they competed and placed 2nd at the 2013 Mid-Atlantic District Quartet Contest.
They qualified to compete in the 2014 International Quartet Contest in Las Vegas, placing 40th, and took 3rd at the 2014 Mid-Atlantic District Quartet Contest. Thereafter, the quartet successfully qualified for the 2015 International Quartet Contest in Pittsburgh. At this contest, Gimme Four became an International Semifinalist, finishing 19th. The quartet is now hard at work preparing for District.
Paul Franek just graduated from The College of New Jersey with a degree in Business. He is an avid barbershopper and presentation coach.
David Ammirata went to Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA and works as a video editor at a post production house. He is also the director of East
Coast Sound, a barbershop harmony society chapter and youth chorus.
Will Downey has a degree in music education from Ithaca College. He currently teaches violin and has a number of his own private students.
Joe Servidio is currently attending Montclair State University. He is working full time and finishing his degree in Philosophy.