Contact us

Some choruses are dedicated to devoting much of their time toward competition within the society. If you have seen any of the TV programs (especially on PBS) featuring barbershop choruses/quartets, you know that there are some outstanding singing groups within our society.  Remember, these are men who do this as a hobby not as a group of  professionals.

Our chorus is dedicated to getting together as a group of men who enjoy singing four-party barbershop harmony. We furthermore are dedicated to keeping the Barbershop Harmony craft alive!

Get In Touch

We do not have auditions for women/men who want to join our chorus. If you like to sing, we will put you in a chorus and help you learn how to fit your voice in tone of the four parts.





Contact Detail


Homewood at PlumCreek
425 Westminster Ave Hanover PA


(717) 467-1887


Send Us A Message

We will return your message with additional information.